Conflict & War

Not all weapons are used in fighting

Swords were used as weapons from the Bronze Age. As time passed smiths learned to make better blades. They were heavy and difficult to carry. However, a sword with a good edge could do a lot of damage to another soldier in a fight. We know this from marks on human bones from battlefields.

Spears were used for fighting and hunting. They gave the owner extra reach. This was as useful hunting boar as on the battlefield. They could also be used in tests of fighting skill such as Medieval tournaments. Skills learned here may one day be used on the battlefield.

Bronze daggers like this are one of the earliest objects made of bronze. They appear about four thousand years ago. However, bronze is too soft a metal to make a good cutting edge. Archaeologists think they indicate wealth and power. They were never intended to be used.

Arrowheads like these are often found. They are as good for hunting as for fighting. The bow and arrow were probably invented in the Mesolithic period. They were useful for hunting birds and other swift prey in the forest. The arrowhead is all that survives of an arrow lost in the hunt.

Helmets are very rare finds. Many of them are decorated with precious metals. It is difficult to believe these were taken into battle. Perhaps helmets like this one were dress helmets. They were worn for ceremonies and on special occasions. Something plainer would do in a fight.

Archaeologists call objects like these battle axes. The name comes from the shape. However, we don't know if they were used in battles in the Bronze Age. We know they were not easy to make. Drilling holes in stone is difficult. They may also have been symbolic, indicating wealth or office.


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