People & Society

Glimpses into everyday life through objects

Today when it goes dark we switch on the light. In the past there were only candles and lamps. Candles and the oil for lamps had to be made. They were often made from animal fat. They were smelly and smoky and could blow out in a draught. Imagine your home without electricity.

Combs are found from Roman times. People have always wanted to look their best. Today combs are one-piece and plastic. In the past they were made of bone. They were made of many pieces fitted together. This was a long and skilled job. At least a broken piece was easy to replace.

Claypipes first appear in the 17th century, as does tobacco. They are one of the first mass produced items. Thousands were made in the 19th century. Tobacco was then widely available. They are always found on excavations in towns. Smoking was clearly a very popular pastime.

Re-heating food is nothing new. Today we have the microwave. In the 16th century they had the Dutch oven. This ensured that yesterday's dinner was fit for today's breakfast. Food was never wasted. If it was not okay to eat, it would be given to the dogs or the pigs.

The use of cosmetics is far older than most people think. Pigments like haematite are found thousands of years ago. They were used to make cave art in the Palaeolithic. They were also used to decorate the skin. Both men and women probably painted their skin with symbols and patterns.

Collecting for museums is only a few hundred years old. However, people have always collected things. This Anglo-Saxon object was found on a 13th century farm. Perhaps it was found out in the fields and kept as a keepsake. We all recognise the urge to keep something which interests us.


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